What I tried
First of all I tried the self help tools (lost your password? your account was hacked?) but nothing worked.
Sent emails to:
Filled out a complaint to AG California, AG Utah, IC3, Data Protection IE.... Nothing really happened, except that the office of the AG Utah asked me for a new email not connected to Facebook.
Wrote a letter to the Italian Data Protection Authority and Tv Shows...
I tried this form for EU users, but Meta replied saying that they don't even recognize my account. I know some people had luck with that
I also filled out this form of the Data Protection Office of Facebook, but they answered giving me a list of self help tools I cannot use
Some users are paying Meta Verified to get their account back...
How I got it back in 10 days
I just got my account back, I received a code on the email that I gave to the Utah AG and bam!
this is the link to complaint page of the Attorney General
I really hope this won't happen again
This was helpful. Thank you. Just FYI, you misspelled “complaint” throughout the page.
Please are you based in Europe which address did u use if you dont reside in the U.S
I used my actual address in europe
I’ve had the same, thank you for posting this!
Please can you tell me what information you sent to Utah AG?
I’m tearing my hair out here, again thanks for the helpful post!
This is interesting. So in the comments area on the form did you just explain all the details of being hacked?
It seems so random that this worked, as there’s no relation to facebook!
Jessica Dunn
Hi, yes, I just explained what happened