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Facebook disabled my account after it was hacked – How I got it back in 10 days

On Dec the 20th 2023 Facebook disabled my account after it was hacked and linked to an Instagram account with forbidden content.
Now I can't recover it as I cannot log in. I see many users are having the same issue, so I think it's a matter of general interest and not only personal.
I also want to say that Facebook must have noticed an abnormal activity on my account as I received plenty of emails reporting attempts to change my password. They could have frozen the account and let me recover it after a security check.
We users rely on the company and store our life on the platform, and they just close our accounts without a warning or a possibility to get in contact with a representative.
I cannot download my data due to a technical error....

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How to book a train ticket in China

official webpage to buy a train ticket in china


Until the end of November 2023 booking a train ticket in China wasn’t the easiest thing for foreigners.

We either had to buy the tickets on third party applications, or go to the train station to verify our identity and then use the official railway page 12306 APP or website.

Even after identification, however, I had some issues with 12306 as once or twice the system just didn’t recognize me anymore and I had to go back to the dedicated window to fix it…

But now, starting from 28 November, the railway department has launched an online identity verification service for foreign passports.

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My life in China

It's been one year since I moved to China.

I had the opportunity to leave my Country (Italy) to teach abroad and I choose to come to Nanjing.

The Covid years were really hard for me and my husband, Italy was one of the places with more restrictions and mandates, day to day life was hell.... so we needed a fresh start.

China was not considered the best place at the time, epidemic measures were still enforced and we had no idea what the future would have been, but considered how bad we were feeling in our own Country we just made a bet, and won!

After some months life in China got back to normality, we could travel around both inside and outside mainland, and now we are enjoying a pretty good life.

I will do my best to talk about my new life here!

Vegan food in Greece: supermarkets

vegan food in greece
vegan feta


When we travel we usually book an accommodation with a kitchen: in Asia we usually just need it to use the fridge, make a smoothie and have a cup pf tea or coffee whenever we want it; in other countries, particularly in Europe, it can make us save a huge amount of money: finding vegan options in European restaurants it's usually not a problems, but it may be pricey: that's why we love the idea of having our own kitchen and cooking the food that we can find in local supermarkets.

From what we have experienced in the last 3-4 years, the availability of vegan food in supermarkets has increased a lot in Greece, so If you are looking for recommendations for vegan food in Greece this is the post for you!

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Vegan food on Iberia


I have to admit that when I booked my flight from Cuba to Italy with Iberia I was pretty worried about their meals.

I lived in Spain for many years and I knew well that many people don't really care about what vegans need and want.

Moreover, checking on line and speaking with my friends, I had the impression that vegan food on Iberia was not as good as on other airlines.

I had flown with them before, but as a vegetarian, not as a vegan, so I was rather scared to read comments like these ones:

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Vegan food on Turkish Airlines


I traveled with Turkish Airlines from Venice to Kuala Lumpur in 2018.

Before the flight me and my boyfriend decided to try two different kind of meals: VGML (traditional vegan) and VJML (jain vegan), so that we could compare and share.

Every single meal that we tried was delicious! VGML usaually had rice with curry or pasta with veggies, while VJML had samosa and falafel (and rice with curry as well).

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