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Best vegan apps for traveling


best vegan apps
pic thanks to @maddibazzocco from


There 3 tools that I always use when I am around looking for food: 2 vegan apps and a translation app, they allow me to save A LOT of time!



best vegan apps


abillionveg is a brand new app but I already love it, and I am proud to say that I've been chosen as one of their ambassadors.

abillionveg is a platform where people from all over the world can come together to find the best vegan dishes and products, adding reviews of everything that is plant-based.

When you use the app you will be able to see which are the dishes and the products that are sold near you, or on a location that you choose on the map.

But there is one more and HUGE reason to use and post on this app: for every 10 verified reviews that you submit, you will be able to donate $10 USD to one of their global animal rescue partners of your choice, at no cost to you! The app will actually donate 1 $ for each one of your reviews.

I'm sure you'll love this app, you can download it here and when registering add the code MYVEGANTRIPS so that you can participate in my giveaways 🙂

Happy Cow


best vegan apps


This is the best known vegan app for travelers, it was founded in 1999 and since then it has helped millions of vegan finding vegan food around the world.

The restaurants that are featured on the app are divided in 3 categories: vegan, vegetarian, and vegan options. You can also find stores that sell vegan products.

You can have them displayed on a list or on a map.

Users can upload pictures and reviews.

I love Happy Cow because it has been around for so long and it covers more than 180 countries.

Google translate


best vegan app


To be honest I must say that I wouldn't recommend Google Translate for an accurate translation of a text, or to learn a new language.

Nevertheless, I find this app pretty useful to scan and translate a simple list of ingredients: it's perfect when you are shopping abroad and you just need to know the meaning of a few things.

Of course you can also use it to translate simple sentences to communicate with locals.


So, these are my fav vegan apps for traveling, but I'd love to have some new recommendations from you 🙂

If you are using other vegan apps please drop a comment

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2 thoughts to “Best vegan apps for traveling”

  1. We’ll be honest, we chuckled slightly when we saw the last one. Google Translate is truly one of the most practical travel apps out there. We’ll keep these suggestions in mind on our future vegan river cruises.

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